Waterfall, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 153 x 137 cm SOLD

Vibrating lines astray, oblivious color clouds, drained, honest awareness. In an almost childlike manner Toronto based artist Janna Watson succeeds in suspending the weight of color into floating scenes of an inbetween. Her forms seem like somewhat indecisve figures hovering in non-space. Yet, the longer one looks, the more determined they seem to push in all directions at once, and act as a reflection on our relationship with nature and one another.

Her forms remind of creatures of the night that wait for shade where they could regroup, understand themselves, come to an agreement. As she seeks to let the lines have their own mind and let go of them, they look starled, waiting for instructions.

At the same time her work “creates a dialogue between the body and material, of that which is seen and unseen. Space can be differentiated between the aggressive and the ethereal, both equally supported by the elements of the subject and the palette”, designer Nico Soule observes.

Together, Watson and Soule produce vivid rugs which escape traditional connotations of either handicraft or fine arts tapestry. Watson seeks to show what it means to “take pleasure in half knowing”, as she likes to quote the poet John Keats.



Winged Spirit, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 76 x 61 cm.
Violet Light Goes Out Last, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin. 61 x 76 cm


Hurricane Woman, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 91 x 91 cm.
Uprooted, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 61 x 76 cm, (Sold)
Walking on the Moon, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 122 x 122 cm (Sold)
Possessed in an Angular Dance, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 153 x 153 cm. (Sold)
Salty Pistachio, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 91 x 91 cm. (Sold)
Untitled II, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 91,5x122 cm (Sold)
Breath of Spring, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 152,5 x 152,5 cm (Sold)
Hearing too Much, 2012, mixed media on panel with resin, 61 x 61 cm (Sold)
Waterfall, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 153 x 137 cm
A Moment Rains Down, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 76 x 76 cm. (Sold)
Fireworks, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 153 x 122 cm. (Sold)
Coral Sea, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 153 x 153 cm. (Sold)
Overexcited and Sensitive, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 91,5 x 122 cm (Sold)
Passion Might Fall Down the Stairs, 2012, mixed media on panel with resin, 91,5 x 91,5 cm (Sold)
The Way Venus Sounds, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 152,5 x 122 cm (Sold)
Flipping Coins, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 122 x 122 cm (Sold)
Freshly Cut Grass, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 61 x 61 cm
Fire in Heaven, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 91 x 91 cm.
The Ants Go Marching, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 140 x 91,5 cm (Sold)
Grasping a Handful, 2014, mixed media on panel with resin, 153 x 122 cm. (Sold)
Dashing Buttons, 2012, mixed media on panel with resin, 91,5 x 122 cm (Sold)
Moving Through a Vortex, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 91,5 x 91,5 cm (Sold)
Ocean Reflects Life, 2013, mixed media on panel with resin, 152,5 x 122 cm (Sold)